
The Arc of a Bogus Right Wing Outrage

Kragar9/06/2011 10:01:15 pm PDT

Well, here is something that you don’t see every day:

Man In ‘Gumby’ Costume Tries To Rob 7-Eleven

Initially, the man in the Gumby costume asked for a pack of cigarettes but then told the clerk, “This is a robbery.”

The clerk thought it was a joke and told the man dressed as Gumby, “Come on man, don’t waste my time. I have things to do.”

The Gumby impersonator responded that he had a gun and then began fumbling with his costume as if he was trying to pull it out.

The entire incident was caught on the store’s surveillance cameras.

“Yeah, it’s hilarious to look at it on the video,” said San Diego police Detective Gary Hassen. “But, it is a very serious crime and we take it very seriously.”

No word on if the man said “I’M GUMBY, DAMMIT” as he ran away.