
Don Ross: Upright and Locked Position

The Ghost of a Flea4/14/2012 10:13:15 am PDT

Good thing I baked another batch of martyr cookies this morning.

re: #201 NJDhockeyfan

All you lefties on here brought up the race card. Not me. All I was suggesting was that these two so called civil rights leaders should go to Chicago and help out a nasty murder problem in the inner city.

CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS, dummy. You’re obviously too busy pinning yourself to a cross to notice that the men you’re refering to are CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS. That means that they deal with:

Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals’ freedom from unwarranted infringement by governments and private organizations, and ensure one’s ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression.

That you’re trying to goad along this conversation by bitching about how they should be involved in a criminal situation without a civil rights angle suggests that maybe you’re mimicking derp-herders on the right-wing sites for whom Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are professional Black Race-baiters.

And I’ll wager a shit ton of money you can’t name the local activists who are working on finding ways to intervene and organize people.