
More Competition + Less Regulation = Higher Prices

kirkspencer11/12/2013 6:16:03 am PST

re: #21 Dark_Falcon

Oh, that. Well, lets just say that said monies will be invested, shall we say. Some of it legitimately will be, in approving new treatments, funding corporate infrastructure, that sort of thing. Some other monies may end up used to pay for expenses such as executive travel. Which would be good for Gulfstream, I suppose.

/DF’s mind in creative weasel mode.

yeah, except the law’s pretty clear. They can’t invest it. 20% of what exceeds benefits paid, period. Invest it if you want short-term, but it better be in checks by the end of March or you get to deal with the penalties.

It’s one of the clearer portions of the law.