
Gamergate-Style Rape Threats Work, It Seems: Feminists Calling Quits

KiTA2/23/2015 12:00:35 pm PST

re: #23 scottslemmons

GamerGators hate women. That’s the only way they make sense. Everything they’ve done is entirely senseless if you take the “ethics in journalism” stuff seriously — but makes perfect, mad sense if you realize that their only motive is cartoonish and vile hatred of half the population of the Earth.

I’m sorry you feel unhappy with your life, KiTA, but hating women won’t make you happier. Find another way to deal with the world.

Very epic strawmanning there. Not only do you arbitrarily define a consumer movement to somehow be an anti-woman movement, you then immediately use this made up fake version of GamerGate that exists only in your head to slander me without any form of evidence. Bravo!

Well sorry bud, but it’s not true. And I reject your attempt to just arbitrarily define me as some form of misogynist. I’d ask again — please give me some examples of what I’ve said in this thread that apparently makes me a woman hater?

But this whole thread went about where I expected it to, as evidenced by well, stuff like the above, and the mass inappropriate downvoting. Not that I’m taking real umbrage since I’m fully aware of the false narrative.

I feel going forward will be less than productive. I’ll leave you all with these two videos by award winning feminist scholar and democrat, Doctor Christina Hoff Summers:

Are video games sexist?

What critics of GamerGate get wrong

Good day everyone, and be blessed.