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calochortus5/23/2015 11:19:38 am PDT

re: #23 freetoken

As the day is wearing on the Duggar defenders are starting to coalesce around a handful of talking points:

1) Dunham
2) Clinton
3) You shouldn’t throw stones
4) Because Je$u$

#1 and #2 are of course irrelevant to the Duggar issues and are red herrings. It’s the #3 one that gets me though - as if Josh Duggar and his mother are anything other than professional stone throwers. #4 is tricky because it’s hard to argue against a well hidden tautology.

I’ve seen a lot of #3 cropping up, and even without all the Duggar stone-throwing, these are the same people who are busy throwing all the stones they can find at people who are Not Like Us.