
An Amazingly Beautiful Short Film: "Venezia"

Pawn of the Oppressor9/06/2016 9:29:57 pm PDT

re: #10 Anymouse

Diagnosis: diabetes, cancer, or hyperthyroidism. The doc went into a dissembling statement about how this could be costly to ascertain … my interpretation is she gives this kind of talk for various conditions and the frequent response is $$$??? I can’t afford that; put my pet Fluffy down.

That’s how it was with my recently departed cat. He was going out of the litterbox, and the short answer after having him looked at was “It could be any one of four things, and it will cost you thousands of dollars in tests and invasive surgeries to find out for sure. (Aside: the surgeries might stress him enough to kill him outright) And when we ARE certain, there’s no cure for any of the possibilities anyway.” $600 worth of exam and testing showed nothing unusual in the blood, but his pre-existing heart murmur was worse.

Step 1 was a special “prescription diet” (read: pointlessly expensive cat food), which I declined to pursue after some research - a change to wet simple-ingredient food without starches fixed the butt-related issue and improved the health of both my cats, but about four months later he developed overt symptoms of heart failure, and that’s what did him in eventually.

My vet’s commentary after he died: For cat heart failure, in 85% of cases the first presentation is sudden death. I read elsewhere that the average time between definitive diagnosis and death is five months, which was about how long my little guy made it between showing abdominal breathing and dying rather badly on a Monday night after getting over what I thought was a cold.

I’m glad the problem was diagnosed for less than $1K and it’s great that there’s treatment available. There’s a whole category of kitty killers where the vets just kind of shrug and give you a choice between “do nothing” and “pay half a year’s mortgage payments so we can delay the inevitable if we’re lucky”. I’m glad your kitty’s troubles aren’t in that latter category. :)