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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/01/2019 11:46:48 am PDT

Looks like some Google employees don’t like that Google went pandering to the atavistic Heritage Foundation:

Hundreds of Google employees have signed a petition calling for the removal of a member of Google’s new AI ethics board over her comments on immigrants and trans people


According to Googlers Against Transphobia, the person responsible for appointing [Heritage Foundation’s] James to the ethics board said her inclusion was meant to help foster “diversity of thought.”


Controversy followed almost immediately after the Heritage Foundation president was named to the eight-person council, with some speculating that her addition was Google’s attempt to appease conservative lawmakers who have accused the tech giant of anti-conservative bias in the past.

I’m betting that James’ inclusion had nothing to do with “diversity of thought” and everything to do with the religious right in control of the Senate and Trump.