
Seth Meyers and Nick the Segue-Writing Wasp: Kushner and Trump Call Coronavirus Response "Success Story" and "Great Job"

lawhawk5/01/2020 12:01:33 pm PDT


Per capita deaths by country:
Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, and France all have significantly higher death rates than the US. The US is averaging 196 deaths per million people (Belgium is at 665, France at 377, Italy at 467, and Spain at 531).

Portugal is at 99. Canada is at 90. Germany is at 80. Norway is at 39. Iceland is at 29. Israel is at 26. Serbia at 21. Japan is at 3. New Zealand is at 4. Australia is at 4. South Korea is at 5.

The best you can say is that Trump has done a half assed job in the middle of the pack, but by ignoring the warnings from the experts for months, he went from having ability to follow the South Korea/Japan example, and turned us towards the Italy end of the spectrum.