
Marcus King Solo: "Inglewood Motel (Halestorm)"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/23/2024 12:06:50 am PDT

Speaking of climate change, this was the big news the other day:

New research on Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier could reshape sea-level rise predictions


At roughly 80 miles across, Thwaites is the widest glacier in the world and roughly the size of Florida. It has been nicknamed the “Doomsday Glacier” for the catastrophic effects its thawing could have on global sea-level rise.


The actual paper in PNAS:

Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

2.7. Future Retreat.
At present, the GZ of Thwaites Glacier is retreating along a prograde slope, which is a configuration conducive to stabilization. Indeed, the grounding line retreat rate is twice slower than in the past when the grounding line was retreating on a flat bed (Fig. 2). Yet, the retreat is not halted by the prograde slope. Seawater intrusions extending 12 km may set up the glacier for further retreat (17). Once the glacier grounding zone retreats past Mouginot Ridge, which could happen in the next few years, it will migrate quickly to the South Ridge along retrograde slopes. South Ridge will be a smaller obstacle. It may only take 10 to 20 y before the glacier retreats past South Ridge, into the deeper basin, at which point a fast retreat will resume. In the nearby smaller-size basins of Smith and Pope Glaciers, retreat along retrograde slopes has proceeded at 2 to 3 km/y for multiple years (46). We conclude that the future of Thwaites—and other Antarctic glaciers—will hinge on how fast warm waters erode grounding zones over large distances, much faster than anticipated by current models.

When the major WAIS glaciers will collapse cannot be pinned down with any precision, but it really is only a question of when, not if.

When the day comes and Thwaites glacier goes, the world will notice. It will be a headline that sticks around for at least a few days. At that time even the dullest of deniers will have nothing to fall back on, save for the religious ones who will suddenly declare that climate change is god’s judgement on the world for this or that sin.