
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

iceweasel11/01/2009 10:09:27 pm PST

re: #20 avanti

Any Republican that wants to survive in the present climate had better plant their lips on Beck’s and Rush’s ass and move away from any sort of moderate position.

Yep. And yet:

“We accept moderates in our party, and we want moderates in our party. We cover a wide range of Americans,” said Republican House Leader John Boehner in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Hilarious tweets coming in over that statement now, btw:

RT @cartergilson: It is inclusive. They take in conservatives *and* nutjobs.

RT @terry_levine: @markos inclusive in the sense the GOP includes 70yo white men, 71yo white men, 72yo white men…

(markos) Step 1: kick out gays, blacks, Latinos, youth, urbanites, single women, non-religious & (now) moderate GOPers. Step 2: majority!