
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

lostlakehiker9/21/2010 10:33:56 am PDT

re: #17 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

What was this poor man thinking when he decided to run for President?

Why in the hell would any intelligent (wo)man want the job?

It’s the call of duty. You know you’re in for it. But why do people volunteer for the military? Yeah, it’s a job, but as a job, well, the caliber of people the military gets can’t be hired for those kinds of wages and working conditions in the civilian sector.

He thought he could do some good. Maybe he thought wrong; it’s possible with the best of intentions to make a mess of things. Other well-intentioned men have fallen flatter, e.g. Neville Chamberlain. But that’s another debate for another day.