
Young Americans for Freedom Give Ron Paul the Boot

Lidane2/12/2011 5:26:50 pm PST

re: #18 HappyWarrior

Oh man that is too funny. This is going to be so fun to watch as it develops.

This one is my favorite so far:

Young Americans for Freedom are not “conservative.” When I was growing up in Texas conservative Republican presidents never took us to war. Democrats were the war party. World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam were under Democratic presidents. In fact part of Republican campaigns was that if we voted for a Democrat in the White House we’d wind up in a war. Eisenhower did put some advisers in Vietnam, but it was a Democrat president, Lyndon Johnson, who escalated that conflict. Eisenhower also ran on a campaign plank to make peace in Korea, “I will go to Korea. Eisenhower also warned Americans about the “military-industrial complex.”

He’s already getting pushback for it, too. This is great.