
Tsunami Wreaks Havoc, While GOP Defunds Tsunami Center

RogueOne3/11/2011 10:16:57 am PST

FTA MJ article:

“People could die. … It could be serious,” said Barry Hirshorn, Pacific region chairman of the National Weather Service Employees Organization.

Hirshorn said that if a continuing resolution proposed by the U.S. House is enacted — triggering a 28 percent budget cut in the second half of the fiscal year — Weather Service employees as well as those at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center could face furloughs and rolling closures.

“It would impact our ability to issue warnings,” he said.

Obviously a totally unbiased source. (A) No tsunami centers have been defunded. and (B) There is no “28%” budget cut. Before you guys argue the B portion I hope you do some quick googling and check out their budget requests since 2007.