
Saturday Morning Open

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))6/11/2011 11:27:43 am PDT

re: #12 elizajane

The Bavarians get the Assumption of the Virgin on August 15th, the rest of the country doesn’t. But most Germans get:

Good Friday and Easter Monday

May Day (not a religious holiday, the European Labor Day)

Feast of the Ascension, moveable based on Easter, but always a Thursday
so most folks just take one of their 17+ days of vacation and make a four-day weekend out of it.

Corpus Christi -likewise a Thursday (Why do they name a holiday after a town in Texas, and why don’t they celebrate the Feast of St. Lubbock?)

And Pentecost.

Then no holidays until October 3rd (Reunification Day), so the por folks have to bridge the gap with some of their remaining 20-odd days of vacation time…