
Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett's Speech Provokes Right Wing Outrage, Racial Slurs

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/29/2011 2:20:52 pm PDT

re: #23 Ming

Apparently the right-wing point of view is that the government should kill Muslims in foreign lands, finance DEA raids on perfectly innocent people whose names were mentioned by some informant under torture, put homosexuals in jail, and investigate every miscarriage in America. That’s good government!

But not everything the government does is good! The right-wing is outraged by the suggestion that the government might be able to help create some jobs for people. Putting people back to work = socialism! Putting a woman in jail for a questionable miscarriage = America as it can be and ought to be (cue the violins).

I’ve said it before but I am truly skeptical of most self described small government conservatives who run for office. Why? Because they talk about how bad the government is then want to use that same government for pushing their morals on people. Government involvement to improve education and health care is bad and Marxist but government telling gays they can’t marry or profiling Muslims why that’s great! They’re full of it and yet people buy it.