
Rubin: Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About Michele Bachmann (R-Mars)

wrenchwench11/25/2011 10:50:51 am PST

I heard Bachmann being interviewed on NPR this morning. Here’s an excerpt.

Bachmann’s campaign took a hit after she linked the HPV vaccine with mental retardation. In her book, she says it’s really important to get your facts right, but acknowledges that she sometimes comes up short.

“I’ve said things that are inaccurate and I regret that, but the good thing about this process [is that it’s] a good training ground to become better and I’m grateful for that opportunity,” she tells Inskeep.

She says she doesn’t think she’s ever said anything inaccurate during a GOP debate, however, including when she said in Tuesday’s national security debate that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich believes 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. should be made legal overnight.

They were much easier on her than she deserved, too. Maybe not quite a whitewash. Actually, I did think it was a whitewash until I read this Rubin piece.