
More Complete Video of Zimmerman's Arrival at Sanford PD Posted

Orange Impostor3/29/2012 12:52:48 pm PDT

House Republicans once again prove their absolute commitment to individual privacy rights.

Oh wait.

Employee Social Password Privacy Measure Fails in the House

An amendment that would have prevented employers from demanding your social media passwords was defeated by House Republicans on Wednesday.

The measure, which was attached to a larger FCC bill, was introduced by Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) and defeated on a vote of 236-185.

“What this amendment does is it says that you cannot demand, as a condition of employment, that somebody reveal a confidential password to their Facebook, to their Flickr, to their Twitter, whatever their account may be,” Perlmutter said during a floor debate before the vote.

The password amendment met resistance from House Republicans, who didn’t consider the amendment necessary despite Perlmutter’s insistence that the amendment “would not change the overall impact or intent of the FCC Reform Act.”