
Axelrod: Obama 'Taken Aback by the Brazenness' of Romney's Dishonesty

Targetpractice10/07/2012 12:39:23 pm PDT

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt’s statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They’ve been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

You’re shittin’ us, right? You really think that Romney junking everything he’s run on for the past 2 years and trying to rebrand himself as a “moderate conservative” is on par with Obama stretching the truth?

If you wanna shake pom-poms for him, at least be honest about it. This “I’m on your side, but…” bullshit got old a long time ago.