
Greenwald's Latest Article Distorts the Truth Again

Justanotherhuman7/31/2013 2:19:45 pm PDT

Where did Greenwald pull that “300” number from? Show us the documents where it says that, GG.

Or did he confuse it with this, published in June:

“WASHINGTON — Top U.S. intelligence officials said Saturday that information gleaned from two controversial data-collection programs run by the National Security Agency thwarted potential terrorist plots in the U.S. and more than 20 other countries — and that gathered data is destroyed every five years.

“Last year, fewer than 300 phone numbers were checked against the database of millions of U.S. phone records gathered daily by the NSA in one of the programs, the intelligence officials said in arguing that the programs are far less sweeping than their detractors allege.

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