
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

ObserverArt3/06/2016 8:58:17 am PST

re: #229 Dark_Falcon

1923, when he tried to overthrow Germany’s democratically elected government.

Well, isn’t TRUMP selling himself in much the same way right now, as in trying to overthrow American politics as we know it?

He says our government sucks, all weaklings and yes men. Our economy sucks because of brown and yellow people enabled by our weaklings. That is a call to overturn how we do government selection and how that fits into changing America. That is very Hitler in basic rhetoric.

Trump is basically saying we need him and only him to fix this country. No one else is capable. He would love nothing more than to be a dictator.

Many times he already acts like his numbers make him president. He would love nothing more than for Americans to lash out and call for him to be President right now. Screw this process.

And if the current Republican process of finding a candidate gets blown up in Cleveland and his backers get nasty and he comes out the candidate he will definitely have overthrown at least one of our parties.

And should the fool make it to the national elections and he gets dumped in a close race, is anyone prepared at this time to say his followers won’t turn into very real group of zealots that will want the election overturned or ignored? That would be an overturn of the government.