
A Great New Song and Video From Courtney Barnett: "Nameless, Faceless"

allegro2/17/2018 10:23:55 am PST

Thanks to whomever mentioned it the other day, I spent the last two evenings taking a needed break from the hate and horror watching a Netflix series that is so uplifting and inspiring: Queer Eye. Really. It goes a lot deeper than the original series of funny, talented gay guys turning a shlub into someone presentable, though they do that, too. They are addressing societal issues one-on-one in personal, revealing ways. For example, one of their clients was a deeply religious fundy guy. While out planting a garden one of the gay guys who had similar upbringing flat out asked the guy “what does your church think about homosexuals”? The guy was just speechless for a few moments. I won’t spoil the moment by going further. Ditto a conversation between the black gay guy and white GA police officer client.

Cannot recommend this series too highly to take a breath and renew your faith in your fellow humans. Educational too. Looking forward to trying a peach and egg white facial mask later today. :)