
Texas School Board to Vote on Anti-Evolution Curriculum

fish3/23/2009 2:38:55 pm PDT

re: #189 Charles

“Academic freedom” bills exist for one purpose, and one purpose only — to promote the teaching of creationism in science classes. Every single “academic freedom” bill currently in state legislatures stems from the Discovery Institute’s model bill.

There is absolutely no need for these bills — except to sneak creationism into public schools.

I understand and agree that the “academic freedom” bills were envisioned as a means to sneak creationism in to school. I also agree that any bill worded like the DI’s Model Bill is aimed at that, and there are several that have passed or are being voted on that do model that language.

I do feel that a bill can be worded in such a way that it does not encourage Creationism, but instead allows for possible debate and allows flexibility when new facts are discovered. (the work they intend to do at cern may completely change the way everyone looks at the creation of the universe). That is what I am in favor of.

We will simply have to disagree.