
Obama Officials Say Talks with Iran Still Going Ahead

Zimriel6/28/2009 12:27:23 pm PDT

Apparently I’m a prophet:

There’s another political crisis in Honduras - their President Manuel Zelaya, in the Chavez mould, is trying to take over as El Supremo. Everyone else is against it.

In this case it looks likely that the man will fail, and get booted out. Unfortunately that would be considered a coup and it’s possible that Obama himself would support Zelaya’s restoration.

This again shows the difference I’ve been harping on in these threads for some time: that there is a fundamental difference between democracy and freedom. Some societies can support both (Iceland comes to mind) but it doesn’t scale. When the population and population density passes a certain point: democracy must descend into populist tyranny. This is an iron law of politics, known since the time of the Greeks and maybe even of the Sumerians. Understanding that iron law used to be the sine qua non of the university freshman curriculum.

Obama is on the side of democracy - as is Zelaya, and Chavez. Constitutional guarantees are nothing to the small-d democrat; it is all about the national consensus.