
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

Floral Giraffe4/03/2010 10:16:13 pm PDT

re: #243 Cannadian Club Akbar

I made the iGEEK comment because of this:

In San Francisco, tech blogger Jason Kincaid had been in line for one and a half hours and was about to be clapped into the store by the blue-shirted staff. He already had two iPhones, an iMac and the MacBook Pro laptop, but “had to have an iPad,” he said. “It’s changing the paradigm of how we will use computers – I’ll need to test all its apps as well as the way the touch-screen works,” he said.

I don’t care how many they sell. These people are the computer equivalent of Star Wars geeks.

Defining the meaning of the word ‘geek”. I bet they live in their parents basements to afford all of the Apple toys!