
Crack in the Far Right World

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]8/21/2010 8:19:47 pm PDT

re: #236 windsagio

Let me try putting it this way:

It seems to me that this whole discussion is based on a distinction between whether taxes are what you owe the government for various things vs. them being what the government takes from you for various things.

If you owe it, its really clearly a subsidy. If its just the government taking what’s rightfully yours, its not.

This mental acrobatics where everyone thinks 100% of their money is their money in a society, it’s really something

I worked for this money!

I mean I built the internet and the phone infrastructure

and I kept the currency stable

and I hired the police to keep me safe

and I hired those guys to build roads and traffic signals

It’s my money! I paid all those guys to do those things so I could make a buck at my flabby middle management job pushing paperwork! It’s MY MONEY
