
Overnight Video: Dream From 'The Glide'

Gus5/07/2012 3:02:50 pm PDT

re: #96 What, me worry?

This makes me really cranky. I have some questions.

Why should anyone believe the sordid details told by these women who would do anything, including sleeping with men, for money? How much did the TODAY show (and there were others) pay the prostitutes to give their tell-all story? And how brutal were the brutes who paid them $800? They weren’t complaining about it then. How much does $800 American buy in Columbia? A hellofa lot. How much more can they get if they “tell their stories” and who is going to say it isn’t true?

What the Secret Service did is despicable. There’s no doubt about that. It’s embarrassing to the president, to put it lightly, and to the U.S. as a whole. These guys were boneheads who jeopardized many reputations just to get a little sumfin sumfin.

But if you think I’m going to believe any word that comes out of a hooker’s mouth, I’m not.

I see what you’re saying here and although I disagree on the morality aspect I think this sudden playing of the victim seems to be a schtick of their’s while getting their 15 minutes of fame or more. They will likely go on to get more attention and profit from this event. One of these women was complaining about how “her life was ruined” and within minutes was talking about doing a magazine spread “if the price is right.”

I think the self-victimization is for several reasons. One such reason is that behind the camera there is an element of public embarrassment about being engaged in a professional activity they had no qualms with before being “outed” for lack off a better term. However, going public to the point of appearing on television programs was their decision alone. No one forced them to appear on the today show. They could have gone on with their business in Cartagena and no one would have batted an eye.