
Bryan Fischer: 'We Need an Underground Railroad to Deliver Children From Same-Sex Households'

Killgore Trout8/08/2012 8:20:51 am PDT

WaPo’s fact checker initially decline to give the new Obama SuperPAC ad a rating. They’ve changed their mind….;
New anti-Romney ad: same steelworker, tougher message (revised)

(NOTE: Since we had previously examined at length the circumstances of this Bain investment, we originally had restated the main points of an earlier column. Frankly, we were a bit distracted trying to untangle the welfare charges and countercharges on Tuesday. But new information has come to light and we have updated the column with a Pinocchio rating.)

Soptic is welcome to his opinion on possible reasons for his wife’s death, but that does not mean Obama supporters should exploit it. On just every level, this ad stretches the bounds of common sense and decency.

Four Pinocchios