
Video: President Obama's Full Interview With Chuck Todd

weststpaulbear9/07/2014 4:54:44 pm PDT

re: #235 Rightwingconspirator

His situation is complicated by this-Few hard core Democratic partisans really want to see the GOP mend its ways. That would just be a tougher opponent in the elections.

Umm, what this Democrat would like to see is the Republican party stop running such freaking hard-core candidates. Minnesota used to have politicians like Arne Carlson and Dave Durenberger (really good on health care but not so good at book deals) instead of Michele Bachmann and Tom Emmer. The reason we appear hard core is that we are genuinely scared about what would happen if people like Gommert, Cruz, Paul or even Ryan have control. We came way to close to having vice-president Palin. That is nuts.