
On Lemmings and Cliffs

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge2/24/2015 5:31:01 am PST

Seriously—sugar is sugar. I’ve never talked to anybody who was afraid of HFCS who was aware that it’s high-fructose for corn syrup, but that means it’s still only 40% fructose, whereas cane or beet sugar are 50/50 fructose and glucose.

So we’re supposed to eat fruit (high in fructose) in preference to sugar-sweetened items, they tell us—so fructose must be good. But HF40 corn syrup is terrible—so fructose must be bad. But it’s only 40% fructose—so it must be the 60% glucose that’s bad for us.

As animals, glucose is the energy currency of our bodies. Our brains can run on nothing else. If glucose is bad, we might as well give up.