
Photo of the Day: Donald Trump and the Great Wall of Garbage

ObserverArt6/28/2016 2:54:17 pm PDT

re: #243 suse

This sounded wrong to me, so I googled. Page 14 of a govt report from 2007 ([Embedded content]

) says more than half of aluminum used then was recycled. The energy cost then was 5% of what it costs to smelt from ore. I’m wondering where you read/heard that nobody is making new cans or other aluminum stuff? Serious question, not snark.

Kinda bugs me that y’all are referring to the stacks behind He, Trump as garbage. It’s the thing in front of the stacks that is the garbage.

I said the same thing suse. I’m thinking many here at LGF support recycling.

We are very lucky here in Columbus. We have special blue 55 gallon recycle containers on wheels that we put out where our trash is picked up and Rumpke Recycling picks up every other week. They even built a big recycling center just for the area. Pretty efficient and modern from what I’ve been told. There must be some money in it for it to be this extensive.