
Seth Meyers: Trump Lashes Out at Fox and Murdoch Amid Fallout From Shocking Dominion Lawsuit

Joe Bacon ✅3/03/2023 11:18:27 am PST

re: #250 Mattand

I’ve told this story before, but my high school teacher sister had a Canadian student who insisted their healthcare system was nowhere near as decent as its rep. She now defaults to that position whenever the subject comes up.

What fucking kills me is that I phrase it as “Well, at least in Canada, if you lose your job, you don’t go bankrupt if you get sick.” She really struggles with that concept because like most Americans, she’s been quasi-brainwashed into believing that healthcare is a luxury that only the employed should get. And like most Americans, she can’t wrap her head around the fact that most Western democracies don’t do for-profit healthcare.

Arguing with my brainwashed sisters and their reply was that there was nothing wrong with private insurance and…Wall Street DESERVED to make a profit out of administering health care.