
New Music Video From Extreme: "Other Side of the Rainbow"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/01/2023 7:52:35 am PDT

Jordan’s royal wedding to get underway in ceremony packed with stars and deep symbolism (Associated Press, today)

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — The wedding of Jordan’s crown prince to the scion of a prominent Saudi family was set to begin on Thursday in a palace celebration that drew massive crowds and a mood of excitement around the kingdom, while presenting the young Hashemite royal as a new player on the global stage.

The marriage of Crown Prince Hussein, 28, and Saudi architect Rajwa Alseif, 29, drew a star-studded VIP list headlined by Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate, who arrived at the palace and were welcomed by Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Queen Rania.

The celebrations hold deep significance for the region, emphasizing continuity in an Arab state prized for its longstanding stability and refreshing the monarchy’s image after a palace feud. It even could help resource-poor Jordan forge a strategic bond with its oil-rich neighbor, Saudi Arabia.
