
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

subsailor687/05/2009 8:36:58 pm PDT

Evening everyone!

It’s a sad situation, I fear. The idea of the tea party was a terrific one - as it was well in keeping with the first amendment. The tragedy is that a large group of Americans found an outlet for frustration over taxation, spending, and an ever-growing intrusion of government in their lives, only to find it hijacked by groups with their own agendas.

The truly sad part is the naivete - the hope that this kind of time-honored expression would be just that, not infiltrated, tainted, and ultimately discolored by fringe organizations and groups who had little or no luck attracting support on their own.

And so it goes. The Paulians, white supremacy groups, and other bottom-feeders couldn’t wait to infest, infect, and corrupt well-meaning folks.

A pox on all their houses.