
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/21/2009 1:11:59 pm PDT

re: #244 AJStrata

I am taking the liberty of reposting a relevent follow up comment Ludwig made on another thread as you may not be reading all the threads

Sorry to hijack this, but I have an apology to make. I let my anger at a sinde climate denier override the need to simply just state the science.

I am now going to take a new tact of simply and thoroughly debunking the foolishness without snark. It turned a science debate into a popularity contest. In that sense both Walter and Bagua were correct.

There really are a lot of very egregious lies posted on this site right now. They are not true. So please let me try a new tract.

I spent the better part of an hour debunking one set of lies.

Noted with appreciation.