
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/03/2010 10:17:36 pm PDT

Well, for all you AGW-denying American-exceptionalist Tea Partiers out there, if Greenpeace hates it will you now love it?

iPad attacked: Green Peace says cloud computing guzzles coal

iPad owners are targeted by a new Greenpeace report which accuses the iPad and other cloud computing dependent tech like Facebook and the Google Chrome OS. The big problem is apparently the energy chugging data centres that power cloud-reliant tech like the iPad.

Greenpeace says: “Cloud computing devices like the Apple iPad [raise] fresh questions about how the internet is powered and whether the IT sector will continue to fuel climate change by increasing demand for dirty coal power.” As far as we know, all coal power is dirty.