
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Walter L. Newton9/06/2010 7:19:52 pm PDT

Update from Steve… Update from Steve… Update from Steve…

I called Steve yesterday before going to work, I left a message, and I got an email from him today… I will edit out some stuff so everyone can have an good idea what is going on, without overstepping my bounds…


…pain, lots of pain and doctor appointments….my sister leaves tomorrow and I’ll be on my own hopping on one leg with a walker

the plan was to remove the leg, flap it over and sew it up, which he did….next day it was back to the OR to remove infected tissue that unavoidably was part of the remainder, so now I have another large open wound at the end of my stump which is healing via a wound vac…in itself very painful….I can’t catch a break, it’s all about pain

in a week or two I’ll know more but I suspect the docs will close the wound with a graft, my 8th surgery

meanwhile, I am very uncomfortable, cannot sleep or feed myself properly and dread my wound care appointments because of the resulting pain, every Mon, Wed, and Fri

**** will help out with all that stuff, but I still have to rely on transport services to get me to the hospital and back….that shit starts this week, very humbling…all I want is some comfort, a bit less pain, and some light at the end of the tunnel….they say it’s just around the corner but it’s been over two years now

I am so wiped out I can barely talk on the phone so sorry about that…


So, a little complication since he hit home, but still moving forward, pain appears to be his most annoying things right now.

For those who are inclined, prayers are good, for those not inclined, punt.