
Sunday Afternoon Open

Gus3/06/2011 7:55:51 pm PST

re: #234 Killgore Trout

Idiots are painting themselves into another impossible corner.

This is from his (David Simpson) campaign website:

Statement of Faith

Though the Texas Constitution prohibits any religious test for holding a civil office, it does require the acknowledgement of a Supreme Being. Our forefathers believed in liberty of conscience and religious liberty in particular, but they also believed that humanity was subject to its Creator. In light of this constitutional requirement, and so that you may know what my basic convictions are, I have included this statement of faith below.

Natural Revelation

I believe that God has revealed himself in nature. This natural revelation is the source of what is referred to as the “Laws of Nature” in the Declaration of Independence. It is also the basis for the concept of the “rule of law.” This is especially important for our nation and state where civil servants swear an oath, not to men, but to the Constitution, which acknowledges the preexisting principles of justice and individual rights of human beings given by God. In fact the Constitution was established to protect these principles against arbitrary decisions or actions of an officeholder or even a majority who would violate “the rule of law.”

Redemptive Revelation

I also believe that God has revealed himself in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is his eternal Son of God and the Savior of all who come to him in faith. I trust him as my Lord and Savior.

Creation and Providence

I do not believe that the universe is an accident. I believe that God created all things for his glory and that history is the unfolding of God’s all wise and glorious purpose.

Human Dignity

I believe that humanity is the crown of God’s creation, being made in God’s image. Because of this amazing distinction from all other creatures, the life and liberty of each human being is sacred. Human dignity and sovereignty, under God, are rooted in individual human beings and not social groups or associations or races.

Worship and Stewardship

Moreover, I believe God made us for himself — to know and enjoy him8 and to be stewards of his creation. Simply put, mankind was made to worship and to work. Because man is free and accountable ultimately only to God, true worship cannot be coerced; it must be voluntarily offered in faith according to one’s conscience informed by God and reason. This is the ground for religious liberty. And because work is re-creation and utilization of the resources and creatures which God made, the creation should be used, enjoyed and conserved wisely for humanity and God’s glory. This is the ground for private property. The fruits of our labor are an extension of our lives.
