
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Liberals 'Haven't Taken to Killing People' Yet

Summer Seale4/22/2011 12:21:39 pm PDT

You know, I have to say: Bryan Fischer is right.

I know, just personally, that I wake up every morning as a liberal bemoaning the fact that I wasted another day by not killing somebody. As an Atheist, I can barely face myself in the mirror every day when I think about how little I do to actually just contravene Christ in every way possible.

It’s all I care about, but I’m such a wimpy girl that I don’t know what to do. A sad, miserable, existence it is…. Honestly, all I want to do is kill people and drink their blood, and flip the bird off to “The Man in the sky”, and contravene his laws and seek to destroy His works and everything. But all I can do is be restrained by my ingrained non-religious humanism which tells me that’s just not such a great idea.

Just be careful, kids, and don’t end up all confused like me.