
Breitbart "News" Contributor Pat Dollard Says: Time to Kill All Muslims

chadu4/02/2014 6:56:37 pm PDT

re: #237 kirkspencer

All good stuff! I’m going to isolate some of the stuff for more info, but in general, yeah, gonna do.

ok, a little playing. I’m going to start with the assumption that your publisher does standard publisher marketing games. So the big deal for you is getting noticed. What follows are tricks and techniques for someone who actually has a book (or more than one book).

- Free story.

There is a free sample linked there, but I’m gonna talk to the publisher about changing it to the full “The Blue Tailor” story. More representative sample.

— self-pirate. Make a torrent link to the story file and put it on every pirate/P2P site you can find.

Can’t, won’t, not in my nature.

— Because your book is gaming connected you can try this at gaming cons. You won’t have as much success but that’s not zero success.

I think we have another month before the Amazon exclusivity ends, then the publisher can get copies up on the DriveThruFiction site, and then I can get the word out to folks who bought the game associated with the stories that said volume exists (which I haven’t been able to do because of my terms of agreement with the OBS gaming sites).

- You are in wikipedia. Or rather some games you’ve made are in there, and they mention your name. Play nice by the rules, but get a wiki page for you and another for your book.

I wonder if I’ve fallen into a gray area, because I have a user page on wikipedia. If that supersedes any attempt for someone to make a page about me. Don’t know. Or maybe I’m just not… is the word they use “notable”?… enough.

- Write and publish more stories and books. There’s a habit readers have of checking to see what else you’ve done. One-shots do ok, but repeat writers do better: not only cumulatively but on each item individually.

Working on it!

Thanks, mang.

Great ideas! Working on some, will be working on others Real Soon Now.

(Also, DecaturDeb, I’ll probably be trading reviews at your daughter’s site Real Soon Now, also.)