
Tim Cook: 'Religious Freedom' Laws Are Discriminatory and Dangerous

A Cranky One3/30/2015 9:20:10 am PDT

re: #202 Lidane

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I think the following says a great deal about both the Tea Fear Party and Tammy Duckwork. This happened during a debate between deadbeat dad Joe Walsh and Tammy Duckworth:

“I was marching in a parade in Schaumburg, Sunday, two days before the Democratic convention, when Tammy Duckworth was on a stage down in Charlotte — if you can look at the picture — picking out a dress for her speech Tuesday night,” Walsh said, holding up a photo.

The crowd noise surged with boos and cheers, as it reportedly did throughout the night, while Duckworth prepared her rejoinder.

“He’s trying to distract the discussion from the real issues that are at hand. And yes, I do sometimes look at the clothes that I wear,” she said. “But for most of my adult life, I’ve worn one color — it’s called camouflage.”
