
So Donald Trump Just Invited a Hamas Supporter to the Debate Tomorrow Night

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/18/2016 11:47:46 pm PDT

re: #250 Dr Lizardo

In truth, a good many on the right - Laura Ingraham included - are scared shitless at the USA’s changing demographics. That’s why it seems like the sense I pick up when I read their screeds is that they’re definitely feeling that this year’s election is their ‘last chance’. Their rantings are increasingly apocalyptic.

I updated my post #251 with more Nebraska info, if you are inclined to refresh.

The GOP’s post-election reports in both 2008 and 2012 noted the changing demographics of the nation, and suggested the need to address those demographics to remain relevant in future elections.

Instead, being conservatives, they doubled down against change and went further right (I am not sure how much further right you can go now than nominating a fascist talking yam).

The GOP could adopt changes to their approach that might appeal to broader sections of the nation. I don’t see them expanding their appeal unless the elevate more people like my senator Ben Sasse (a never-Trump since February) and fewer people like Gov. John Kasich and Senator Ted Cruz.

In my political discussions with my wife, I become more and more convinced that if the Libertarian Party could focus better, they could replace the GOP nationally. They now have two state senators (one in Iowa, one in Nebraska), and a number of lower offices.