
Video: Trump Surrogate Cites Japanese Internment Camps as "Precedent" for Muslim Registry

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/17/2016 8:01:25 am PST

So we could make these towns false hope like Trump has and then we inevitably can’t deliver on those promises, they’ll be even more mad and upset or we could be honest and level with them and they still don’t like us. Sad to say as I hate to count anyone out of a coalition, maybe the white working class isn’t going to be part of our coalition in the years to come. It’s sad. I mean that. It was being working class that brought my family ot the Democratic Party in teh first first place but their descendants would appear to me prefer us give them simplistic lines, ignore racism and nativism and sexism, and act like we can reverse trends taht have been happening for years.