
New Year's Eve Acoustic Excellence: Fabrizio Fanini, "Last Train Home"

Odie Hugh Manatee12/31/2016 10:55:42 pm PST

I am enjoying the idea of uberbillionaire David Koch being kicked off of Hair Furor’s golf course, as if he were some unwelcome commoner…lol! Oh boy, there’s so much to unpack from this one event…

- Hair Furor is exercising his new power as the Most Powerful ‘Billionaire’ on Earth and letting Koch know that compared to Hair Furor, he’s a pathetic failure.

- Hair Furor has few (if any) real friends in the World of the Wealthy since they have pretty much socially snubbed the pathetic boor. Now that he’s in charge of the world, it’s his chance to snub them right back and Koch is just the start.

- Koch has to be seething at being treated like this.

- Trumphumpers are going to be ecstatic that Hair Furor is smacking down a wealthy git. ignoring the implications of this behavior.

I’ll leave the rest on the table for everyone else to think of and chew on. Happy New Year…lol! Savor…

Hurt’s Facebook post says that Trump “had his security detail escort Hurt, Koch, and their playing partners to the parking lot,” and that Koch “was appalled,” and criticized Trump as “petty” and “vulgar.”