
Donald Trump Removes the Judicial Branch From the "Our Government" Section of the White House Website

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/30/2017 3:59:45 am PST

The UK petition above added thirty thousand more signatures since I last commented on it.

I imagine Mr. Trump will be furious if he were told about it. I wouldn’t mention it on his Twitter feed if I were on Twitter, just sayin’. Wouldn’t want to upset his breakfast.

And since it surpassed the threshold for Parliamentary debate by 1000% in one day, they will debate it. If they were to adopt the petition, Mr. Trump would be banned from meeting the Royal Family in a state visit.

The Twitter storm would be epic. I certainly wouldn’t want to put that on his Twitter feed, that might be the thing that causes him to melt down completely. It would be awful if he went on a Twitter rampage that makes Kellyanne Conway look sane.

President Bannon might have to step in to calm him; I certainly wouldn’t want to remind Mr. Trump that he doesn’t get to pose for secretary pictures if he displeases President Bannon.