
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Goes Off the Rails on Twitter and Fox News

Mattand5/12/2020 3:56:25 pm PDT

re: #247 Targetpractice

The latter. The media doesn’t want to give up their demands for Joe’s private papers, but they also realize that Reade’s credibility is totally shot by this point, so they’re trying to give the story some measure of (un)life by insisting that it’s now an indictment of the party’s past support of “Believe All Women” but not demanding Joe’s immediate crucifixion.

I waded through the comments of one of my far-left sites today. The topic was Biden’s new ad.

The majority of them are voting for Biden through clenched teeth, but there’s a lot of “Biden is rapist just like Trump” going on, with a dash of “I ain’t voting, let it burn.”

There’s a few people recognizing that it’s not just about getting Trump out, but the Supreme Court, rebuilding our international standing, etc. But, goddamn; I’m becoming more convinced by the day that Reade’s allegations are straight-up ratfucking.

I genuinely feel bad for Reade, and if Biden did something, he needs to be called out for it. But watching how the allegations are racing through far left circles like the fucking coronavirus itself? If it is ratfucking, it’s doing its job of depressing potential Democratic turnout efficiently.

On the bright side: was shocked to see the GOP-to-Dem registration switching in Chester County, PA. It’s usually solid GOP. There’s hope yet, I guess.