
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Summer Seale2/15/2009 7:27:27 pm PST

I was just at a conservative podcast show on Second Life, where I’m a well known Republican group member…although I’m fairly well known as the black sheep of the group.

I got really pissed off at one of the topics and I just pretty much had it with the Conservative movement right now. I feel like it’s absolutely in the throes of eating their sensible young. Creationism, anti-choice, etc… Anyone who disagrees is a RINO. I’ve seen it happening on HotAir (I still don’t know why I bother commenting there anymore, although Allahpundit’s posts are still great - reviled as he is there for his Atheism as well). I see it happening everywhere.

I am displeased. It’s like watching an even more repressive Moral Majority ideology taking place. I do not wish to be part of a group which views Theocracy as the salvation to the United States of America. I do not wish to be part of a group which has an extremist form of religious brainwashing as their new foundation. I certainly do not wish to be part of a group which has Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan as speakers.