
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

twincitiesgirl2/21/2009 9:41:27 am PST

re: #26 Walter L. Newton

I’ve commented and posted links in the past about Christian Identity groups (also know as covenant groups), and just as a reminder, you have to really be careful, because you will find Christian Identity popping up in places you would never expect, or at least never realize.

There are a lot of isolated little congregations of “Christians” who follow this doctrine, from the benign (Christians are the real Jews, but God will save the Jews in time) to dangerous (race wars against Jews, Blacks, Catholics, basically anyone not of the New Covenant)

It will also be found under the rubric Israel ism (orAnglo-Israel ism)
Even Joseph Smith was engrossed in the subject, reading a number of books on the concepts. Info

All in all, it’s bigger than you would imagine, and it stinks. Wiki

How does all of this tie in with Replacement Theology, which I know next to nothing about. I first heard the term in reference to President Bush. He believes in it and it’s the reason he has no problems with dividing Israel.

It will be interesting to see if Jindal is asked about some of his bizarre beliefs. If not, then you know we are being set up for another msm picked Republican candidate in the 2012 elections.

Over my dead lizard body….