
New Dinos Down Under

big steve7/06/2009 5:46:33 pm PDT

I had a real lizard experience today. Down here we have these small lizards called anole and they can change colors. We have a screened in back porch but a door broke a few months ago and we just removed it. As a result all sorts of insects get in but can’t get out. I watched this anole this morning on the screen catching bugs. There were so many bugs which were sluggish from having been bashing themselves against the screen for hours, the the anole could just walk right up to them and eat them. He, and he was male because he had a colored throat, was so full that his stomach was distended but he couldn’t stop eating. After a while he clearly didn’t even want to eat any more because he stopped moving and just hung on the screen. Even so, occasionally a bug would literally land in his mouth and he would with complete disinterest still snack on it. It was quite entertaining which means I probably need to find more interesting things for myself.