
NYT: The Story Behind Dr. Tiller's Murder

placeholder7/27/2009 6:59:35 pm PDT

re: #198 Pianobuff

And by most people, you mean anti-abortion activists, conservatives, and christians. Do I have that right?

Nope. I mean militant liberals who promote causes they don’t understand, or truly believe in (africa), I mean hipster bloggers who discuss race in abstract academic terms, but have never lived in a racially diverse neighborhood in their lives. I mean people who sign greenpeace agitprop on the street, and then go and buy bluefin tuna for dinner. I mean trust fund dimwits like Pelosi who pander to their base, and have never personally had to deal with any “crisis” they aim to solve.

I mean hypocrisy. And I don’t want to start sounding like the Holden Caulfield of this thread - but I think we’re reaching a fever pitch in this arena.

And as a disclaimer, I am a socially progressive fiscal conservative… not a liberal as your post implies.