
Craziest Blogger Rants About Nirth Certifikit at Newsmax

Aye Pod8/07/2009 10:31:33 am PDT

re: #237 calcajun

You have not been reading the news, sir. Nancy Peolsi claims that there were swastikas at one town hall. Babs Boxer claiming the people complaining are too well dressed to be real people. The White House is asking people to report “fishy” behavior at town hall and other “inaccuracies” (aka- anything that contradicts its position) The accusations that this is all an organized astroturfing campaign. The DNC video saying that Republican hate groups are disrupting meetings.

That, in my book, is demonizing the people who are speaking out—to the extent they still can—at these “impromptu” “town hall” “debates”. I suggest you read what is happening and what the Democrat leadership is saying before to take someone here to task over something they said.

Besides, if you disagree and have proof to back up you position, you post it.

The very article you posted confirms the use of the swastika by these protesters:

“Town hall audiences and conservative bloggers protesting a Democratic-sponsored bill on health care reform have used the disturbing imagery to compare the plan championed by President Obama to how the Nazis treated prisoners in concentration camps.”

I suggest you actually read your own links before posting them.

As for Boxer - she seems to be complaining about extreme partisan attacks on Obama. I’m inclined to sympathise, having seen some of the insane screamathons the nutbars on the right these days seem to be capable of.

Such comment certainly does not make the case that the Obama administration is seeking to demonise anyone any more than any other administration that criticises it’s critics. Again, this is not fascism, this politics as usual. Stop whining, stop trying to convince yourself that you are being oppressed by a fascist regime.

Nobody wants to tase you, bro.